Week 12 - Georeferencing

The purpose of this lab was to georeference unknown raster images of the UWF campus to known vector data, digitize new line and polygon features, create multiple ring buffers and overlay data in a 3D environment. To create the first map, I georeferenced two unknown rasters using the Control Points tool. For each raster, I created 10 control points, keepings the RMS error low. For the second raster, I used a 2nd order polynomial transformation for a better map appearance. I then digitized a new line feature for the new campus road and a new polygon feature for the new gym. Finally, I used the Multiple Ring Buffer tool to create a conservation buffer around the eagle's nest that corresponded to FWC requirements of 330 ft and 660 ft. The second map is a 3D overlay of the first map (without the eagle's nest). In order to create the 3D effect I used lidar data from USGS National Map Viewer. To convert the lidar to a DEM, I used the LAS Dataset to Raster tool. I then used the DEM file as the elevation ground surface. This allowed all the other layers to be draped across the 3D DEM surface. Finally, I extruded the buildings based on their height attribute data.


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