Module 1: Visual Interpretation
The objective of this lab was to learn some of the basic principles of interpreting features found on aerial photographs. In the first exercise, I learned how to identify tone and texture on an aerial photograph. The tone is the brightness or darkness of an area whereas the texture is the smoothness or roughness of a surface. I accomplished the objective by creating 5 polygons for tone and 5 polygons for texture. To interpret tone values for the aerial, I identified and created polygons showing 5 different areas of tone as follows: very light, light, medium, dark and very dark. To interpret texture values, I identified and created polygons showing 5 areas of texture as follows: very fine, fine, mottled, coarse and very coarse. Fig 1. Map showing a range of values of tone and texture on an aerial photograph. In the second exercise, I learned how to identify features on an aerial photography based on the following 4 criteria: sha...