Module 2: Coordinate Systems

In this week's lab I explore different coordinate systems and projections in order to better understand the nature of distortions introduced by the systems. For the last part of the lab, I was tasked with selecting a state in the contiguous US and selecting an appropriate projection for the area.

I selected the state of Wyoming as my area of interest. Wyoming has 4 State Plane zones and two UTM zones, so neither a single State Plane nor UTM system would work for this area without distorting the size or shape of the state. Therefore, the best coordinate system for this area is Custom Coordinate system. I chose NAD 1983 WyLam (Meters), a custom system specifically for the state of Wyoming, as the projected coordinate system. This coordinate system is a Lambert secant-case normal-aspect conic type projection which preserves shape and is appropriate for a general reference map. The standard parallels are placed at 41N and 45N, the boundaries of the state of Wyoming, which minimizes scale distortion of the state. The map below shows the state of Wyoming in my selected coordinate system.

The state of Wyoming projected in NAD 1983 WyLam (Meters) with a grid and graticule. 


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