Lab 6 - Projections Part 2

The purpose of this lab was to find, import and reproject data into a common coordinate system:  NAD 1983 (2011) StatePlane Florida North FIPS 0903 (US Feet)The screen shot above shows the Map View from ArcGIS Pro with all the required data layers in the same coordinate system. 

In order to find a quad number to search for aerials in Escambia County on, I searched the site for a "quad index" to find the qd24 data layer. I will note that has a search tool to find quad numbers but it was not functioning during the time period for this lab. I also used the site to find a county boundaries layer by searching for "county boundaries."  Finally, I found a major roads data layer by searching for "major roads" on the site. For the roads, I chose a shapefile from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) called majrds_jan19. Because all of these files were not in the correct coordinate system, I added each file individually to a separate Map Views in ArcGIS Pro and reprojected them into the correct coordinate system using the Project tool.

With the newly projected county boundaries and quad index data layers open together in one Map View in ArcGIS Pro I chose a quad for the aerials. I chose to use the aerials of Bay Springs Quad 5560 in Escambia County. I downloaded four aerials from this quad from and reprojected each with the 2011 update using the Project Raster tool.

The Petroleum Storage Tank Contamination Monitoring (STCM) Site data was provided for the lab in an Excel spreadsheet. To calculate decimal degrees from latitude and longitude in an Excel spreadsheet, I inserted two new columns - "Xcoord" and "Ycoord" - and inserted standard formulas that were then dragged down all rows. I imported the data table into ArcGIS Pro, created a shapefile called PetroleumStorageTanks and reprojected data into the correct coordinate system using the Project tool.


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