Module 7: Choropleth and Proportional Symbol Mapping

The purpose of this lab was to explore choropleth mapping and utilize proportional symbology for two different data sets. The resulting map shows population density and wine consumption in European countries. To create this map, I used ArcMap with finishing in Adobe Illustrator. I explored the use of images instead of circles to symbolize wine consumption, however, after trying many options, I felt the image made the data harder to interpret. Instead, I elected to use proportional circles to symbolize wine consumption because they are more easily interpreted. I used proportional symbology over graduated symbology because the proportional symbology could be employed without classifying the data and the size of the symbols makes the data easy to interpret quickly. The most difficult part of creating this map was labeling all the countries. In order to better view a portion of the map that is cluttered with both small countries and many circles, I created an inset map. The inset map made labeling these countries easier and also clarifies the wine consumption symbology.


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