
Showing posts from January, 2019

Lab 3 - GIS Cartography

The purpose of this week's lab was to create 3 maps, alter symbology, explore labeling, and utilize dynamic text. The 3 maps each depicted different features of Mexico. The first illustrated and labeled the Mexican states and symbolized states into 6 groups by population size. The second included and inset map and illustrated urban areas in Central Mexico with railroads, major federal roads and major and primary rivers, each symbolized uniquely. The map above is the third map which shows to topography of Mexico, symbolizing a raster feature class with a color ramp. I chose the Surface color ramp because the Mexican elevation raster feature layer shows elevation. This color ramp represents high elevations as white and low elevations as green. Because high elevations are mountain tops which usually contain snow and low elevations are valleys which are usually green, the surface color ramp makes the most sense to represent these natural features. I also decided to no fill the Legend

Module 2: Introduction to Graphic Design with Adobe Illustrator

The purpose of this lab is to learn basic tools in Adobe Illustrator to enhance map features of a map from ArcGIS Online originally created in ArcGIS Pro. The final map is to be a basic Florida map for a children's encyclopedia which includes Essential Map Elements as well as 3 state symbol images. My final map is above.  Adobe Illustrator (AI) is not an intuitive program and is initially difficult to navigate. All elements are in layers and when new items are added, they are added to whichever layer is selected. Sometimes it was easier to create a new layer in order to add new elements, as was the case with the images on the map. I had to be sure to select a layer first before adding elements, otherwise they were sometimes added to a layer that would obscure the element (they can also be reordered in the layers pane after adding).  Because this was geared towards children, I chose a simple title with a soft font and made it large and bold with a simple subtitle. I also

Lab 2 - Own Your Map

This is the second lab assignment for Introduction to GIS. The purpose of this lab was to become familiar with the Layout view in ArcGIS Pro and create a personalized map template with the UWF GIS Online essential map elements:  Title, Scale, Legend, North Arrow, Border, Date, Data Source, and Cartographer Name. In this way, I am developing the skills to "Own Your Map" and truly make it my own. The final product i s a map of the location of the University of West Florida’s (UWF) Main Campus within Escambia County. There is an inset map of the state of Florida, with Escambia in red, orienting the audience to its location within the state. Because Escambia County is longer than it is wide, I chose a portrait orientation. I used neutral background and fill colors for the inset map and legend so as not to distract from the main focus of the map – the location of the UWF campus. I attempted to match the Title colors and font with the UWF logo colors and font for consistency.

Module 1: Map Critique

The purpose of this lab is to use the common map design principles (Tufteisms) to identify good and poor map design. This lab is a critique of two maps, one well-designed and one poorly-designed. By spending time evaluating the map elements, I am becoming familiar with the elements that appeal to my own design aesthetic. I enjoyed "digging deep" and examining the elements that comprise maps and considering why those elements were good or poor choices to convey the objective of the map. The hardest part of this assignment was selecting the two maps to evaluate. There are many from which to choose, and some maps are mixture of both good and poor design elements. The biggest take away is to keep revising a map as it is being designed, stepping away often and asking for different points of view. In this way, a map can be resolved and become the "best" it can be. Well-designed map: Evaluation Synopsis The “South Carolina Wildlife Management Area Game Zones” m

About Me

My name is Angelique Hennon. I am a manager/biologist for an environmental consulting company in central Florida. Once upon a time, I was a high school biology teacher, but re-entered the environmental field 5 years ago. I have a broad environmental background, ranging from small mammal research to stormwater management to western stream monitoring.  I am pursuing the Graduate Online GIS Certificate to enhance my GIS skill set and make myself more competitive in my current position. Upon completing the certificate, I hope to enter the Master's in GIS Administration program and eventually advance to a GIS position.  I live in Apopka, near Orlando, with my wonderful husband and very active 6 year old son. I am an avid runner/some time triathlete. I am currently training for my first marathon.  I created a Story Map highlighting some of my experiences. My Story Map can be found here:   (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.  

Week 1 - Overview of ArcGIS Lab Assignment

The purpose of the the first lab in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was to explore some of the features and functions of ArcGIS Pro by working with and exploring an example data set and creating a map of world countries by populations with major cities. In addition, the lab introduced terms associated with GIS, applying them in the creation of the map. The lab included step-by-step instructions for creating the map, allowing students to make design choices for the essential map elements and layout. The image above is the resultant map I produced for the lab. I found the lab easy to follow and although this is not the first map I've created in ArcGIS Pro, it is the first map I've produced by myself in some time.